Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mother Goose Time - Experience God, My Father's House and Heaven Bracelet Craft

Here is a fun Mother Goose Time Experience God heaven bracelet craft you can create at home or at school with your children.

This craft is part of the Experience God add on from Mother Goose Time.

First, we read the Bible Story - My Father's House
Based upon Luke 2:41-52 and John 13:31-14:1-7.

Mother Goose Time provides colorful posters with the text to read on the back, which is based on the above Bible verse.

Heaven Bracelet Craft

My daughters loved creating heaven bracelets. In the Bible there are details about heaven...

I began by asking: What might you see if you were in heaven? (Listen to their answers.)

  • Heaven is surrounded by gates, each made with one pearl. (Each child held a pearl in her hands.)
  • The roads of heaven are made of gold. (Each child is given a gold pipe cleaner.)
  • As the children put white pearls onto the gold pipe cleaners you can sing together, Jesus is the Way. Mother Goose Time provides this song on a CD.
We talked about how a cross is like the key that opens heaven's gates. Christians who believe in him, repent and keep Him in their hearts will get into heaven. God, knows what we think about, and he knows what is in our hearts.

  • White beads
  • Gold pipe cleaners
Pray together: "Father God, thank you for being King of heaven and earth. Help me live on earth for you, so that I can live in heaven with you, too. In Jesus' name, Amen."


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