Sunday, October 25, 2015

When God's Light Shines Down on You... And You Don't Even Know

Light Shining Down on My Daughter's Hands as She Made the Blanket
Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke

As I was browsing through pictures, I came across an image that clearly had a light shining down on my daughter's hands as she tied the edges to create a tie fleece blanket. As I looked closely at the image and really thought about what we were doing, the reality hit...

God really does shine His light down on you when you do His work... Even when you don't know it.

Can you imagine why my daughter and I were making this blanket?

We heard that a father had unexpectedly passed away, and he left behind his wife and sons.

His wife was pregnant with another boy, so we thought that a sports blanket would be the best gift for all of the boys. I just felt like they would wrap it around them when they wanted a hug from their dad. I just felt like it would help his wife, too. So, my daughter and I worked quickly and created the blanket at the park and promptly brought it to her baby shower.

We don't know the family, and we did not attend the baby shower... But as you can see in the image, God's light was shining down on my daughter's hands as the tied the blankets edges that day.

It reminded us to listen to the Holy Spirit and do what we feel in our heart for people, even if we don't completely understand it at the time.

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke
God's light shining down on a blanket we made for a wife and sons who lost their husband/daddy.

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