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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

KRAV MAGA Israeli Self-Defense

Our family has decided to learn more about this powerful type of self-defense, Krav Maga.

Today, my oldest daughter was in the class with her close friend and she loved it! I am also going to sign-up for a women's class.

You can see a photo of her with Krav Maga Instructor, Steve, here.
Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke
Krav Maga Self-Defense Class

When I watched their Krav Maga online videos (you can find it on their website), I knew that our family needed to learn these techniques. Especially, since I have daughters and I want them to learn how to effectively defend themselves.

I took Tae Kwon Do in college. It did end up helping me a lot. I learned about pressure points, how to kick and how to punch. I loved it. I even got to use it to defend myself in real life. Yes, you could see in his face that he knew he chose the wrong one to attack. :) Honestly, some of the craziest ways I defended myself was from a mixture of deciding that I would make the person decide that they chose the wrong person in a crazy, unexpected way... And martial arts. I'm looking forward to learning how Krav Maga does this.

My daughter enjoyed the class. They did a warm-up, punches, practiced escaping from a neck hold and more... My daughter and her close friend seemed to like the kicking. They hold up a padded thing and kick each other. It was a great way for the kids to get out any aggression and stress.

Instructor Steve was very good with the kids. His voice is loud and kind of scary at first, but I think it is good because he is a very nice person. It teaches the kids not to be scared of loud voices. I was a kindergarten through 2nd grade teacher, as well as a school counselor. My voice is pretty relaxing for the kids (my husband and my kids think my voice is so relaxing, as long as I am not angry about something), but that is definitely not what they need when they are learning to defend themselves. I've had to learn how to make my voice loud and aggressive. So, I'm sure they will likely work on that, too. I did  notice that he is very in tune with the needs of the kids. I saw that a boy was not feeling well and he let him sit out and got him some water. That was really nice. The kids definitely need water, as they take a water break.

It was interesting to watch the Krav Maga videos. As a mother, this is one of the best ways I can empower my children... Teach them how to defend themselves. Of course, I teach them to have good character. However, they are also strong and they can defend themselves!

Here you can see a Krav Maga student defending himself against home invaders!

Wow! I didn't watch this Women of Krav Maga until now!

Do you know how to defend yourself?

Have you taught your children how to defend themselves?

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