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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Mother Goose Time - Discover the Desert, Pyramid, Hieroglyphics and Horse Craft

During the month of March, our Mother Goose Time topic is Discover the Desert. You can see that we have a colorful poster for every month, showing our monthly topic, each week and our daily activities. I love this web, because introducing our month this way will later help the children organize their thought for writing activities.

Monthly Topic Web, Discover the Desert

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke
As you can see, our oldest daughter decided to change the main characters on the story web. She personalized it by creating illustrations of her sister and herself. She taped her illustrations over the top. I noticed they tend to like to have characters that look like themselves. As a teacher, I noticed all kids like to do this. I guess that's why they have so many types of books that have personalization options now. As soon as she finishes her work, she tends to self-direct herself, as she creates her own little projects.
Mother Goose Time is a preschool curriculum that can easily be differentiated to include older and younger siblings. It can also give the older children a fun, yet educational break from rigorous studies. It can be used in school or homeschool settings.
I spent a great deal of time searching for the best curriculum I could find, and Mother Goose Time was the best answer for our family. My preschool-age daughter loves Mother Goose Time. Even though she is going to be in Kindergarten next year, we will likely continue using Mother Goose Time as we add more reading, writing and math. We will likely get her Kindergarten curriculum through, because that is working really well with her older sister. Mother Goose Time already has a lot of science, history, music, movement and art that can be educational for older elementary-age children. They also have an Experience God supplement that is excellent. I highly recommend it.
Some of our favorite crafts this month were creating pyramids with linking cubes, hieroglyphics and the horse craft... or unicorn.

Portable Bulletin Board

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke
Here is our portable bulleting board for March. It's so nice that you can move this around and even bring it with you if you are homeschooling as you are traveling. We added a United States of America flag to ours, so we can say the Pledge of Allegiance. I think next year we may add some prayers on it, too.

Daily Topic Poster

Each day, we have a new daily topic poster to add onto our bulletin board.

Pyramid Linking Cubes

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke
She really enjoyed using her colorful linking cubes to create pyramids. Mother Goose Time provided these linking cubes along with the beautiful photographs of the pyramid.


This was such a fun and educational activity. Mother Goose Time provided the sand and cards with words, such as house, foot, cobra, water, mouth and arm. The girls enjoyed creating the hieroglyphics. Then, they naturally decided to start creating their own hieroglyphics.
Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke

Creating hieroglyphics in the sand was really fun for the girls. This is one of the activities that was appropriate for her older sister, too.

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke

"Mom, I made cobras!"

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke
"Look mom, I made an eye."

Horse Craft

Our oldest daughter is such a fun older sister. Look how she is using the horse she made to surprise her sister. Her sister just woke up and she wanted to teach her how to make the craft. She actually decided to create a unicorn.
Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke
Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke
Here you see water canteens, horse (a unicorn) and camel crafts. Of course, Mother Goose Time provided songs, games and lots of other fun activities, too.
All in this adorable, little school bus box.

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke

Thank you, Mother Goose Time!

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