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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mother Goose Time - Friends and Feelings, Saying Hello with Puppets

Friends and Feelings Daily Activities for This Month

I love the Mother Goose Time theme for this month, Friends and Feelings. It's perfect for the beginning of the year. Children need to develop trust before they can feel safe enough to really focus on learning. These activities are perfect for both classroom and homeschooling environments.

Month: Friends and Feelings
Weeks: Making Friends, Identifying Feelings,
Keys to Friendship and Talking with Friends
Days: Each Day is Numbered
Everyday, we open a new
curriculum bag full of fun activities!
I also love these activities, because they can be differentiated easily. They can work well with all ages of children, with simple adjustments. Because I homeschool my daughters, ages 4 and 8, Mother Goose Time is the perfect curriculum for my daughters. My older daughter has very challenging, age-appropriate curriculum (Seton) and these Mother Goose Time activities give her a nice break, while helping her learn and have fun with her preschool-age sister. Surprisingly, my older daughter gets a lot out of it, too. So, we really enjoy Mother Goose Time.

How to Create Friends and Feelings Puppets by Mother Goose Time

The kids need to make two puppets, so they can act out friend scenarios.
The puppets can have fun, adventures and conflicts.
Then, the children can find creative ways to work out the conflicts.

"Hi, Yellow, is your eye okay?"
(Blue is thinking that she does not know what to say about Yellow's drooping eye, but she wants to help him.
Fortunately, she was able to help him without embarrassing him before his eye dried crooked.
Friendship takes so much work.
Then, Blue realized that her hair had glue in it, but she couldn't take it off because it was holding on her hair!
What are they going to do?)

How to Make Friends Puppets


  • Feathers
  • Cardboard puppets
  • Paper
  • Wiggle eyes
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers


  • What do you do when you see a friend?


  • Encourage children to explore tossing and catching the feathers. Observe hand-eye coordination, as well as emotional response to missing or grabbing the feathers.


  • Invite the child to create one puppet that looks like a friend and one that looks like himself.
  • Cut out the clothing from the paper and attach it to the puppets.
  • Glue on some feathers for hair and attach the wiggle eyes. Decorate the friends with markers.


  • Encourage children to use the puppets to practice saying hello and goodbye to one another. What other conversations do the children have with their puppets?

The girls loved creating their puppet friends, eyelashes, necklaces and all. They even got out the
stamps my youngest daughter got from a friend for her birthday.

Here they are... Putting on a puppet show!

Check back soon
for more free and fun lesson plans!

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