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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Mother Goose Time - Building and Flying Airplanes, Free Airplane Launcher Activity

Our Mother Goose Time theme for this month is On the Go.
On day number eleven, we learned about airplanes!
Here is a free Airplane Launcher activity from Mother Goose Time.

Fortunately, on exactly the right day Grandma and Great Uncle Pete sent airplanes for the girls to build and fly. They didn't even know that is what we were working on. :) Our youngest daughter absolutely loves airplanes and spaceships. So, this was a really fun activity for her. My Uncle Pete was in the Air Force, so I bet it will be nice to learn more about airplanes as girls get older. Here, the girls are at the park building and flying planes with their dad.

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke
Daddy taught the girls how to build the planes, while showing them the instructions.

Photo Copyright Caroline Brooke

Wow, it's a Flying Machine!
Photo Copyright by Caroline Brooke
When my youngest daughter was about one-year-old, she looked up at an airplane in the sky. One of her very first sentences was in that moment as she stared at the plane...
She started to cry and said,
"I want to fly an airplane".
I was a bit shocked, because it was not like a child wanting a toy.
It was like a passion for her. It was not whining, but a heart-felt longing.
Since then, she dreams about airplanes and tells me all kinds of adventures she has in her dreams about flying in the sky and going in spaceships to other planets, (please no). I am wondering what will come of all this. Is this fun childhood dreams or is there more to this? I am not so passionate about this, as she is. I kind of want to keep her from it, because I want her feet on the ground. Yet, I can't because I have to support her dreams. In fact, that is exactly why I chose to teach her myself.
I want her to feel free to do what she loves, whatever that may be. Who knows, she says right now that she wants to be a pilot. We will see.
She even named her puppy Blue Angel. It was interesting that she did not know that Blue Angels are airplanes until a last week, and she is the one who came up with the name. When I told her that Blue Angels are airplanes she got really happy and was hugging her puppy so tight.
I try to pay attention to my children's interests and spiritual gifts. We learn a lot about this at Saddleback Church from our Pastor Rick. With our youngest daughter, I noticed something interesting the day that we got the planes to build. She got out these white things.. You can see the girls carrying them here in the pictures below. We got these white things at Saddleback Church for Blocktober when the girls won some games. They are white and they light up different colors.
Photo Copyright by Caroline Brooke
She started to tell her older sister that she wanted her to stop her airplane when she did this (crossed the white, light up stick in front of her). Then, she said, "I want you to go when I do this." Then, she held it up sideways. She got really happy and said, I want you to turn around when I do this...
I looked up the signals she was doing, as I was shocked to see that she somehow knew what they were. I didn't teach her. How did she know? Seriously, this is really interesting.
This is where I found the marshal signals...
You know what else was interesting about her and all this interest in airplanes and spaceships. The day that the white light was seen in the Southern California sky, guess who saw it? Yes, our youngest daughter. She ran over and told us! It wasn't until later that my husband told me he realized what she saw. She saw this huge light on November 7th. If you look on youtube, apparently tons of people saw it and it's still pretty unclear as to exactly what it was.
Photo Copyright by Caroline Brooke

Photo Copyright by Caroline Brooke
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